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With Jeremy Miller, CEO

Jeremy Miller Bio

Founded and managed several tech companies that built SaaS software to solve industry issues. I am now focused on building a SaaS and service component for cyber security compliance management, apprenticeship management, and more. I am proud to be a part of the cyber war effort and help protect our country, its companies, and their families from those who would do us harm online, or otherwise.

I was blessed to serve in the Army as a Green Beret and am the President for the Special Forces Association Chapter 500 in Indiana for the last few years to help and assist in transitioning soldiers out of the service and providing a support system for them and their families. I was the AFCEA chapter Indiana President until the end of 2023 on the board of where physicians volunteer their time to help homeless individuals get back on their feet. Past board positions include Chairman of CYT Indy Christian Youth Theater, VP and Education Chair for Central Indiana Real Estate Investors Association, and Executive Director for VetsInHouses (helping to house homeless vets).

When not working, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his wife, two children, and dog. He used to love testing his endurance and strength as an ultra-runner doing 50, 75, 100, and several 200 miles including one 240 milers in Moab UT until he had to have his hip replaced 2 times. De Oppresso Liber -

Want to get to know me better? Here are a few interviews

My Interview on EveryDay GSD Pod Cast

Interview on Channel 8

About Lionfish Cyber Security

The Lionfish Cyber Security Risk Management Enablement Platform is a cloud-based platform that combines the implementation and management of
Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Workforce Development. The Lionfish platform does this by using modules that address compliance, workflow solutions, tool identification, vendor management, and training. It has been designed to help any business, education institution or government agency implement and manage cyber security practices with speed and agility, to mitigate risk and survive a cyber-attack or general systems failure.

Lionfish Cyber Security additional Certification & Affiliations

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This institution is regulated by the Office for Career and Technical Schools

10 N Senate Avenue, Suite SE 308, Indianapolis 46204 -
[email protected]